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Frequently Asked Questions
We have answered some of your most frequently asked questions about compensation.
How much will I get in compensation after an accident?
How much will I get in compensation after an accident?
Depending on the severity of the injury and consequences, from thousands to tens of millions of CZK. If you have been the victim of an accident in recent years in which you have suffered bodily harm, you have by lawclaim for compensation.
Do I need special insurance to claim compensation?
Do I need special insurance to claim compensation?
You don't need The amount is paid from the liability insurance of the guilty party. You are entitled to financial compensation for injuries in a traffic accident. If you are not at fault in the accident, we will help you obtain compensation in the maximum possible amount.
Do I pay for compensation in advance?
Do I pay for compensation in advance?
You don't pay, the reward is calculated only from the received compensation. Our goal is to provide the best and fastest possible help to clients. Therefore, you do not pay in advance for help with financial compensation after an accident.
I caused an accident, am I entitled to compensation?
I caused an accident, am I entitled to compensation?
The culprit of the accident is not entitled to financial compensation for injuries in a traffic accident covered by liability insurance. However, if you have supplementary insurance or life insurance, a claim may have arisen.
The culprit of the accident got away, am I entitled to compensation?
The culprit of the accident got away, am I entitled to compensation?
Even if the culprit of the accident gets away, you are entitled to financial compensation. We can also successfully compensate such cases.
How long will it take for me to receive compensation money in my account?
How long will it take for me to receive compensation money in my account?
We try to get compensation money for clients as quickly as possible. For example, our client had compensation of CZK 450,000 for injuries in an accident on his account in just 5 weeks.
Didn't find the answer to your question?
Write us,
we will give you an answer as soon as possible.

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