Who we are?
VOTUM My compensation, Your financial compensation expert.

Our primary concern is securing all of our clients' legal claims for personal injury compensation.
With our help, the injured parties will achieve all their legitimate claims for compensation, based on the active activity of the networkexperienced and educatedco-workers andprofessional knowledgelegal department professionals. We cooperate with external partners –specialists in the fields of medicine, road transport and advocacy as well as forensic experts.
Jsme držitelé licence od České národní banky.
Naše hodnoty
Klient vždy na prvním místě

Odbornost a profesionalita
Žádné poplatky předem
Nepřetržité vzdělávání a rozvoj
Budování silné značky, kterou pojišťovny znají
We joined forces
Náš cíl je společný, pomoci co nejvíce lidem. Společně hledáme tu správnou cestu.
Two professionals in the field of recovery of property and non-property damage have combined their knowledge and experience and the result is the provision of even better services.
We have recently started cooperating with the law firm SpringWalk, s.r.o
We have obtained payments for our clients, which often reach millions of crowns.

Personal approach and great results
Don't know how to get financial compensation after an accident?
At VOTUM Moje indemnícia, each client is taken care ofprofessionalswith many years of experience. Everything to youwe will explain and help youfind out,
what compensation and indemnity you are entitled to.
You don't pay anything in advance, our reward is calculated only from successful compensation. The initial consultation of the case is completelyFREE.
We joined forces
Two professionals in the field of recovery of property and non-property damage have combined their knowledge and experience and the result is the provision of even better services.
We have recently started cooperating with the law firm SpringWalk, s.r.o
We have obtained payments for our clients, which often reach millions of crowns.

Who do we help?
When negotiating with the insurance company of the culprit, we mainly represent victims traffic accidents, but also survivors who lost their loved ones in a traffic accident. Our primary concern is securing all of our clients' legal claims for personal injury compensation.
We also represent clients in compensation negotiations for occupational accidents.
Revize případu
Pustili jste se do vyřizování sami anebo s jinou firmou a pojišťovna některé Vaše nároky zamítla?
Obraťte se na naše odborníky a konzultujte ZDARMA Váš případ.
Na základě našich dlouholetých zkušeností jsme si vybudovali mezi pojišťovnami velmi silnou pozici, díky které jsme schopni pro naše klienty vyřídit maximální finanční odškodnění.
U tragické dopravní nehody jsme schopni ověřit Vaše nároky 3 roky zpět, u zranění z dopravní nehody až 4 roky.

We joined forces
Two professionals in the field of recovery of property and non-property damage have combined their knowledge and experience and the result is the provision of even better services.
We have recently started cooperating with the law firm SpringWalk, s.r.o
We have obtained payments for our clients, which often reach millions of crowns.

Zastoupíme Vás ve veškeré komunikaci s policií a zajistíme právně správně uzavření nehody
Spolupracujeme se soudními znalci a znalci z odboru dopravy
V případě nutnosti Vás zastoupíme v soudním řízení
Zajistíme všechny Vaše nároky na finanční odškodnění